Health as a Lifestyle

There are several great gyms located in the area: YMCA, Koles, Lake Region Fitness and Woodloch Sports Complex. They all offer something special. But recently, The Woodloch Sports Complex added Cycling with the Les Mills program.
Les Mills is a four-time Olympic athlete representing New Zealand who won a gold medal for discus in 1966. He and his wife opened their first gym in 1968, focusing on high-energy aerobics. Motivation driven by the beat of great music helped build their success. They revise their workouts every three months and introduce new programs regularly. Les Mills Senior was not the only family member to represent his country in sport. His wife Colleen, daughter Donna and his son Phillip all wore the silver fern as national athletes of New Zealand.
The Les Mills name has since become a brand synonymous with health. They are committed to health as a lifestyle. Fighting Globesity is a philosophy that serves global sustainability starting with your own health, fitness and wellbeing. Simply put, fit body first – fit planet next.

Like an overweight individual, we are, as a race, simply consuming far more than we can healthily maintain. And we have started to discover the inconvenient truth – that in a globalized world some of the resulting woes – atmospheric destruction and global warming, affect us all. We face a huge challenge to create global sustainability, starting with our own health, fitness and well-being.
Keeping an active body is important. We live in an outdoor paradise perfect for hiking, running, kayaking, tennis, golf, biking, climbing and so much more. And, although the colder months offer just as many great outdoor activities – skiing, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, sledding, ice fishing and more, a large percent of us tend to hunker indoors and often with comfort foods. It’s important to keep your body moving. Dancing around the house can burn calories. Even a good belly laugh can increase your blood flow by 20%.

In addition to movement, be mindful of what goes in your mouth. CSA’s and farmer markets still offer locally sourced produce throughout the colder months. And please, be extra mindful of packaging. Styrofoam and plastics can emit unwanted chemicals into your food and will not breakdown in our ever-expanding landfills. Remember to bring your own bags when shopping. Stop using plastic straws. Biodegradable options are now readily available.

If you are looking for a gym, find the one that’s right for you. For me, The Woodloch Sports Complex is ideal – cycling, pool, hot tub, steam, cleanliness and a staff that is so darn friendly. But don’t take my word for it. Throughout the month of March, enjoy a one-time, one-day adult pass (value $12.50) to experience the sports complex and all that they offer for yourself. 570-685-8143 www.WoodlochSportsComplex.com. Tell them a little birdie whispered a Pocono Secret in your ear. Enjoy!
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