A Collaborative, Creative, Community Project
As a community, often our ideas align. But, just as often, we can differ greatly. Yet, we manage to find a cohesive voice that enables us to grow and prosper. We plan, we build, we live, and we play. We laugh and we cry. We celebrate births and share our sorrow in death. We fall in and out of love. We compete and we support. We dance and sometimes we sit quietly. This is life. This is life around the world.
But, to all of us, we have a special connection through our community. What happens here affects all of us. Our personal stories are created here. Community is the backdrop for our life narrative. Is your story a legend, a fairytale, a comedy or a drama? What picture does it paint?
COMMUNITY TAPESTRY is a project is to creatively express our feelings about Community and ourselves. Each of us serves as a thread to the fabric that exists as the whole. What does Home mean to you? How are you connected and how do you contribute to Community? What should people know about you?

ART – We are ccreating a series of panels for a collective art installation. Panels are 2.5ft wide x 6ft long and includes a 3” hem along the top. These panels will hang outdoors. Maximum weight 5lbs. ALL PANELS MUST BE COMPLETED BY June 21st, 2020
Panels can be mailed or dropped off. call 570-335-6824
Art Installation:
Bingham Park, Hawley July 1-8 | Lackawaxen July 15-22 | Honesdale July 29-Aug 5 | Narrowsburg Aug 12-19

Designs that are of a religious, sexually specific, negatively political, or racially denigrating nature will not be accepted. Use of corporate logos and trademarks is not permitted. Community Tapestry NEPA reserves the right to decline use of any submission deemed unsuitable.
Stay connected or to learn more follow us FB @Community Tapestry NEPA