A Buzz About Worker Bee
There’s a buzz happening in Milford at Worker Bee Community Acupuncture.
When I arrived at the second-floor space on the corner of 209/Route 6 and Roberts Lane, I was a little surprised to discover such a lively environment. There was a steady flow of activity, an energy much like a hive.
The brainchild of Blake Stoveken, a certified acupuncturist with nearly ten years of experience, a Community business model not only delivers the benefits of acupuncture: better circulation, regulation and stress reduction through elevated serotonin – it allows for affordable pricing and schedule flexibility. They are introducing people to the art of acupuncture and making is accessible. So many people are so quick to turn to pharmaceuticals that may relieve symptoms but do not heal the cause. Here now is a viable alternative. They offer acupressure as well.
But the real excitement is the development of an Apothecary featuring the freshest and finest ingredients that provide the highest potency and ease of absorption. Based on traditional Chinese medicine that has been healing for thousands of years, Blake has a network of national experts. “There is a great divide between Chinese herbs versus local. This is a new frontier for American Farmers.”
In addition to the apothecary, Blake along with wild edibles naturalist, Nathaniel Whitmore, are diligently working to create a new model for local resourcing. So then Peach farmers, rather than discard leaves, bark and pits, can recycle them to herbalists. There are residual markets for many items already being grown, like Peony roots. American Ginseng is “green gold” as the price fluctuates highly but can generate $1,000 per pound of certain roots; although, that is an exception. Growing medicinals is not a get rich quick plan. But, for some, wildflowers and weeds already growing that would previously have been discarded, there’s a new use for them.
Nathaniel and Blake are looking to create a local model for herb resource. If you are a farmer, gardener, have a club, an orchard, reach out to Blake and Nathaniel and learn more about wild crafting medicinal herbs. Visit www.WorkerBeeCommunityAcupuncture.com or call 570.409.9233.
Growing Lackawaxen is hosting, TAKE A WALK ON THE WILDSIDE with Nathaniel Whitmore. Saturday, June 16th – 10a – 11:30a. Learn about the many edible wildflowers, herbs and mushrooms that grow wild and abundant in our backyards. $10 adults/ $5 teens and senior citizens – children under 12 FREE. Registration is required. www.LackawaxenTownshipPA.gov or visit them on Facebook. It’s a family-friendly, non-strenuous hike/walk. Meet at the Township Office Building, 169 Urban Road.
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