A Writer’s Muse

The Pocono Mountains have always been an inspiration for writers. Notable authors who have lived or spent time here include Washington Irving, Zane Grey, Stephen Crane, Thomas Wolfe, Robert Frost, Ogden Nash, Kurt Vonnegut, Frank McCourt and many more.
Damon Knight, along with other science fiction writers, launched the Milford Writers Conference in the 1950s and continued until 1972.
This month, The Deep Water Literary Festival takes place June 16 -18 in Narrowsburg, NY. The festival combines local and visiting authors. This year’s event explores the work of George Orwell. Across the genres of fiction, non-fiction and journalism, no other author in the English language has entered the contemporary political lexicon as extensively, and yet the term “Orwellian” remains as misunderstood as it is overused. This is not your standard literary festival.
Ticket prices range from $30 to $55 and include lots of extra goodies. Deep Water Literary Festival was founded by Aaron Hicklin in 2018, as a weekend of ideas, performance and community engagement held in the town of Narrowsburg, on the Delaware River NY. Combining author conversations, readings, and educational outreach, with multi-disciplinary arts programming, Deep Water goes beyond the standard model of a writers festival and invites the audience to engage in the world of books beyond the page. Aaron is the owner of One Grand Books on Main Street in Narrowsburg.
At the time of this writing, local authors from the short story collection, Musings, are scheduled to read excerpts from the book along with Q&A on Friday, June 16, 6pm in Krauss Hall. Schedules are subject to change. Please visit the festival website for up-to-date details: DeepWaterFestival.com or follow on FB (Deep Water Festival) and Insta (DeepWaterLiteraryFest).
This is also a great time to add the Milford Readers & Writers Festival to your calendar slated for September 22 – 24, 2023.
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