The Downtown Hawley Partnership in cooperation with PPL Environmental Learning Center, Delaware Highlands Conservancy, AM Skier, Pike County Conservation District, PMVB Visitor Center, NEWE, Harmony Presents and Woodloch are pleased to announce the first annual Hawley Earthfest. The event will take place the weekend of April 25-27, 2014.
The PP&L Environmental Education Center has been providing conservation awareness, education and family fun for several years. It is held the weekend following Earth Day so as not to compete with the exciting offerings at the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) located in Bushkill.
“We are thrilled to see Hawley elevate its awareness and stewardship of our environment. We have long wanted to include a Species Parade but it just takes so much time and effort to organize. If you’ve never seen one, be prepared to laugh and learn. “says Jenna Wayne, Education and Public Outreach Coordinator for PPL Environmental Education Learning Center.
A what? A Species Parade? What is that? And so began my quest…
There are only a handful of species parades existing. From the information and photos I was able to find, I’m surprised as it looks like something that is very fun for the whole family. Firstly, what is a species? According to Mr. Webster…
noun \ˈspē-(ˌ)shēz, -(ˌ)sēz\
biology : a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants : a group of related animals or plants that is smaller than a genus: a particular group of things or people that belong together or have some shared quality. Middle English, from Latin, appearance, kind, species, from specere — to look
Did you know: There are approximately 8,000 species of ants. All European domestic cattle belong to the same species. There are over one million species of animals around the world.
The human species is a fascinating subject all on its own. Some interesting facts: The brain generates as much energy as a small 10 watt light bulb even when a person is sleeping; The Hydrochloric acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve many types of metal; The nose and ears never stop growing.
What does this mean? It means, you can simply show up as a member of the Human Species to participate in the parade. Or, you can put a little more effort into a costume and celebrate your favorite species.
Costume guidelines:
- Choose an animal, bird, insect, fish, plant, or fungus found in northeast Pennsylvania.
- Try to incorporate natural or recycled materials into the creation of your costume
- Restrictions: no motorized vehicles
- More than one person may be a part of the same costume
- Already have a costume from another event? You can use that!
- All ages welcome
Hawley Mayor, Kevin Hawk added, “Working with these outstanding groups and individuals has created a very special event for everyone in Hawley, the surrounding areas and visitors. It’s a true reflection of the wonderful spirit of community and appreciation of nature.”
The event kicks off Friday at 2pm with the return of the Hawley Farmer’s Market in Bingham Park. Children’s activities will be presented in the Gazebo. A photo exhibit, comedy and music fill the evening.
Saturday begins with the Species Parade! Face painting and other activities are available. Meet at Bingham Park. The PPL Environmental Learning Center opens its doors at 10am through 3pm. Experts in gardening, composting, stewardship, eagles and so much more are on hand with information and demonstrations. Parade costume awards will be presented at 12noon. Rain Barrel Silent Auction will be on display 10-1:45. Winners will be announced at 2pm – you must be present to win. Also happening is The Delaware Highlands Conservancy Silent Auction – winners will be notified. The Hawley Library will be presenting a variety of activities throughout the day. Join the merriment at the Hotel Belvedere Block Party from 2-6. The fun continues into great evening entertainment and dining throughout Hawley including Harmony Presents, The Boathouse Restaurant, Ehrhardt’s, Woodloch and more.
Sunday hosts the springtime Tour d’Towpath bike ride. Registration begins at 9am at NEWE on Rt 6 next to Wayne Bank. Enjoy a yoga warm-up with Roots Yoga. Once the bike-ride starts and you are not bike riding, then head on over to Roots Yoga on Main Street for a full complimentary yoga class. Visit the Eagle Conservancy Winter Field Office in Lackawaxen. The Lake Wallenpaupack Visitor Center is open, scopes are available for wildlife viewing, and you are invited to enjoy the beautiful nature trails along the lake.
“Partnering has allowed this event to grow in a truly organic way. It’s a fine complement to our Winterfest and, end of summer, Lakefest. This is a great way to celebrate the charm and natural beauty of Hawley” says Simon Knox on behalf of the Downtown Hawley Partnership.
Activities, events, happenings and special offers will continue to be added between now and April 25th.
Be sure to visit www.HawleyEarthfest.com for the latest information. Or visit them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HawleyEarthfest. To stay current on all local happenings, be sure to sign up for the VisitHawleyPA.com emails.