Local Author Marylou Webster Ambrose: Your Numbers Up
I first met Marylou through our writers group, PencilsNEPA.
(November 2018: www.poconosecrets.com/pencilsnepa).
I became a quick fan of Marylou’s writing, especially her character development and humor. In this, her first novel, readers will not be disappointed!

When traveling, I love to read books that take place in the location I am visiting. How fun it is to read a book that takes place where one lives! You’ll recognize settings specific to Pike and Wayne Counties in Your Number’s Up, a cozy comedy/mystery with a paranormal twist.
“I’ve been talking about writing a novel for years, but I never got around to it until the pandemic hit,” Marylou said. “Restless and bored, I finally applied the seat of my pants to the desk chair and started writing. Six months later, I had a first draft. This is the most fun I’ve ever had writing, and I’ve been doing it all my life.”

Here’s the plot in a nutshell: Marie’s once fun and feisty mom, Rose, is the oldest resident of Overlook Terrace, an assisted living facility. At age 102, she suffers from dementia, and her conversational repertoire is limited. Without warning, she might break into song, swear like a sailor, or say something else inappropriate. Luckily, the staff thinks she’s a hoot. But Rose has uncanny senses. Mysterious things start to happen, and with the help of her wacky sister Gina, Marie sets out to discover who has it in for their mother.
A graduate of Syracuse University School of Journalism, Marylou worked as a medical writer and editor for many years. In 1999, she co-founded The Lakeside Players, a community theater company, and has co-written eight two-act plays and a dozen audience-participation murder mysteries, which have been performed in 49 states and 14 foreign countries. Many of the characters in Your Number’s Up first appeared in the original stage play, Legally Gray, co-written with Tony Schwartz.
Learn more about the author at marylouambrose.com.
A great gift idea for the avid reader on your holiday list, Your Number’s Up is available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Your-Numbers-Up-Paranormal-Mystery-ebook/dp/B0B7SGDGTW/

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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Be thankful for all that you have and be mindful of those who need a little help this holiday season.
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