The Power of Kindness

Now that the holidays are over, I can’t help but to reflect upon the incredible generosity of our community.

The Holiday Toy Drive is a cooperative effort of The Zipper Junction Project©, Wayne County Ford and Bold Gold Media. The amount of work and contributions of so many serve over 800 families. It is important to point out that it is a small group of dedicated volunteers, led by Jim Zumpone, who distribute and collect the many boxes. Then comes the daunting task of organizing and distribution -which is no small feat.
The Shook Brothers and the good folks at IGA are another example of extreme generosity and community support. They give so much to so many! And, they offer one of the finest selections of local food especially honey, maple syrup, noodles and more. Jeff Shook and I both serve on the Growing Lackawaxen Board of Directors and not only does he donate items, he is very generous with his time and hard work.

The Kiesendahl’s and the Woodloch family are also in the gracious and generous category. They are committed to their community as well as their staff and guests. Not only do they donate and contribute to a plethora of causes, many of the family and staff serve on local boards. When I first was introduced to Woodloch, I was amazed at how quickly and abundantly staff members would rally to help those in need. And these are often people who make a little more then minimum wage. That’s really giving!

And, let’s not forget the Skier family. You will find the staff collecting for several causes as well as picking up garbage to keep our roads clean. You may have noticed the large cow, “Moo”, on the side of the building. This is part of an art installation throughout the town to Celebrate Hawley. Also, coming in the spring will be Harmony in the Woods. Henry and his team at AMSkier understand the value of art and music. Their contribution of culture is a beautiful gift.

I’m sure there are so many more of these angels out there. I invite you to share their stories by tagging @PoconoSecrets.
For this new year, I challenge all of us to be kinder. Let’s not focus on our differences but on those things that unite us. This year let us let Love, Grace, Kindness, Forgiveness, Understanding, Respect, Cooperation, Collaboration, Harmony and a Reverence for Life be the underlying motivation for all of our thoughts and feelings. Let’s elevate our collective community consciousness. We all deserve great happiness and there is more than enough to go around.

Live a life with great purpose and you will be amazed at what is returned. Here’s to an extraordinary 2020!
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