Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm

Preserving 19th Century Agricultural Heritage
I subscribe to NewsBreak Hawley, an email that delivers (mostly) local news. In February I read an invitation to the Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm’s members only maple-syrup tasting. Two things came to mind immediately… 1) I have wanted to visit the farm for some time but just hadn’t gotten around to it. 2) I wanted in on the maple syrup tasting! So I went online and procured my senior membership for $20! (Regular membership $35) Worth every penny and more!

Located in Monroe County – between Honesdale and Allentown, it’s a beautiful drive from any direction. I arrived and met the nicest people who immediately made me feel welcome. This is definitely a family vibe (some actual family) with a warmth and shared interest in preserving agricultural heritage.

They offer a variety of workshops, festivals and events. They operate year-round but the Farm is open to the public from the 3rd Saturday in June through Labor Day, Tuesday through Saturday, 10a – 5p, providing tours to take you back to the 19th Century.

Some of the events you will enjoy include a Civil War encampment reenactment and the Heritage Craft Day in August. Workshops include backpack basket weaving, art, knitting and more. Farm Animal Frolic weekends in May is a family favorite. They provide hundreds of school programs. This is NOT a petting zoo – they are a living historic farm focused on history and farming.

The Farm has been operating as a non-profit organization since 1974. But this family farm’s beginnings date back to the mid-18th Century under the care of the Depper Family until 1913 when it was sold to the Hess family and in 1958 it was sold to Alice and Wendell Wicks.
The Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm strives to inspire visitors by interpreting the culture of 19th century farm families, helping people to better understand the past and how it connects with the present as well as the future.

I can’t say enough about how much I enjoyed “discovering” this Pocono jewel. This is a fun and passionate group of folks with great humor and dedication toward education, entertainment and engagement. I highly recommend a membership as they offer several “Members Only” events. It’s a great location for photographers and there is great space for your special events.
Visit their website at: QuietValley.org to check out upcoming events and put it on your calendar! Or you can follow them @QuietValleyFarmMuseum.
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