Take a Walk on the Wildside
Take a Walk on the Wildside in Lackawaxen
Living in a rural area has many benefits – pristine nature, friendly neighbors, and farm fresh produce. Sometimes you don’t even have to go to the store or local farm; sometimes you can simply walk out your back door and find some delicious eats.
Do you know what plants are edible? Do you know what medicinal purposes you can find among the weeds and wildflowers? How about mushrooms? Among the vast variety, I often wonder which are poisonous and which retail for hundreds of dollars!
If you are interested in learning more about edible plants and mushrooms then save the date – October 14th, 2017, 10am, as the Lackawaxen Garden Club presents “A Walk on the Wildside with Nathaniel Whitmore.” Learn about wild plants and mushrooms – identification, harvest, and preparation of wild edible and medicinal plants.
The walk is FREE but you will need to register. Participants will meet at the Lackawaxen Township Office building, 169 Urban Road, at 10am. Email Laurie@LackawaxenTownshipPA.gov or visit LackawaxenTownshipPA.gov for details.
And since we’re getting wild, mark your calendars for November 11th when author John Markowski presents “Perennials Through the Seasons.” Learn how your garden can be spectacular all year round. Free but registration is required. John Markowski is an award winning blog writer for The Obsessive Neurotic Gardener. This is John’s first book.
And, don’t forget my upcoming exhibit at Roots Yoga, November 3-12, India Inspired. Opening reception is Friday, November 3rd at 6pm. Images reflecting the amazing color and texture of the architecture and the beautiful warmth and kindness of the people. For more information contact Laurie@LAGuzda.com