What are You Thankful for?
What are you Thankful for?
Here’s what some of our friends and neighbors had to say….
Tim Sohn, Sohn Social Media Solutions
I am thankful for my wife, our two beautiful girls, to be given the opportunity to work and be a stay-at-home dad for the last five years, and for our wonderful friends.
David Good, M3 Internet Marketing / Pocono Business Journal / Visit Poconos
I’m thankful for family and friends who have supported me in my work and personal endeavors. It is such a blessing to have a beautiful wife, wonderful kids and great pets!
Steven Kiesendahl, Woodloch Family
My relationships—God, Friends, Family, & Loved ones are what I am most thankful for– It is interesting that most of these relationships were built through my family’s business; which would be the next on the list of things that I am thankful for- the success of Woodloch. I am also grateful for my health, nature, music, and good food and wine!
Aimee Skier, AMSkier Insurance
I am thankful for my newlywed husband, my amazing family and our first child due to arrive next month. I am also very thankful to have such a meaningful career (our clients are more than clients – they are friends) along with a work family that is so supportive and dedicated to enriching our community.
Mike Mancino, Lackawaxen Township Supervisor
I am thankful for my beautiful family and the opportunity to serve as a Lackawaxen Township Supervisor. I am thankful that I have the ability to affect change, protect our pristine environment and give back to a community rich with caring friends and neighbors.
Rob Howell, General Manager Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort
I am thankful for family; my related family, Shawnee family, Stroudsburg family and Pocono Mountains family. Their support, love and kindness make life special.
Jeanne Genzlinger, Setttlers Inn/Ledges/Silver Birches
I am thankful for my family and my friends, most importantly, and … thankful for my dog, my home, my health, and for every day I get to see another beautiful sunset!
Patricia Ianniello, Hawley Resident – Retired
I am thankful my ex-husband wanted a divorce so I could have the life I have now.
Michael G Stanton, Bold Gold Media
I am thankful for my 2 wonderful children; Isabella, my Beautiful Girl, is smart, pretty, charming, sarcastic and very caring and polite. Michael, my 12 year old son, is very athletic, smart, charismatic, silly, sarcastic and polite. Both kids make me incredibly proud to be a dad! I am thankful for their health and mine; being able to see them grow up is an experience that gets better and better every day!!!!!!
Pat Gibbons, Retired – Dan Beard Cabin Boy Scouts Volunteer
I am grateful for the opportunity to have driven across this great country of ours, not once, but three times. Only after doing this do you appreciate what we have here. Our National Parks are the crown jewels of our country. It is unfathomable what the Park Service is able to do on a daily basis, with the pittance they receive to work with! Each and every single Park that we have visited was extraordinary – from the smallest to the largest – and the largest are absolutely spectacular! There are no words to adequately describe them.
Carl Wilgus, Executive Director Pocono Mountains CVB
I’m thankful to have the ability to live and work in the Pocono Mountains where I can enjoy my favorite recreation so close to where I live and work.
Evan Shepp, Sr Catering Manager, The Inn at Pocono Manor
I am thankful for my job, my home, and my children!
Colleen Edwards, Career Coordinator Wallenpaupack Area School District
Time…to do what I love… and be with family, friends, and Paul and enjoy the little things and simple pleasures in life.
Laurie A. Guzda, LAGuzda Creative Arts & Services
Gratitude for my freedom, I am thankful that I am an American regardless of who wins this election. I am thankful to all of those who made and make America possible. I am grateful to live in such a beautiful, natural area with kind, thoughtful neighbors and friends. I am grateful that I have enough food to eat, clean water to drink and a warm place to lay my head. I am grateful for friendships that warm my heart. I am grateful to everyone I meet and the lessons they teach me.
Happy Thanksgiving. I invite you to visit www.PoconoSecrets.com for more thoughts on Thank-fullness (I wasn’t able to include everyone and all of what they wrote in the Connections article) and I welcome you to add your own. We have much to be thankful for, even in challenging times. Let us remember to be thankful every day.
I invite you to continue adding #PoconoSecrets to your beautiful images on social media.