Although the number of farms have decreased over the years throughout the Pocono Mountains, we are still fortunate to boast a number of quality offerings. Due to COVID, I suggest reaching out to your farm or restaurant of choice beforehand…

Pocono Secrets Podcast

Pocono Secrets Podcast

Now you can get your Pocono Secrets wherever you find your favorite podcasts. (hosted on Anchor) These stories run approximately ten minutes in length. In revisiting old articles and updating information, the podcast format allows for expansion on a topic….

Art Inspired: The Upper Delaware Art Triangle – Hawley, Honesdale, Narrowsburg  & Rocky Pinciotti

Art Inspired: The Upper Delaware Art Triangle – Hawley, Honesdale, Narrowsburg & Rocky Pinciotti

The Upper Delaware Art Triangle began in Narrowsburg about 10-15 years ago. With its proximity to Honesdale, area artists began to connect and create in a community infused with new energy. Not that this area hasn’t been attracting artists and…

Washington Irving

Washington Irving

Creator of Christmas Traditions In 1819, best-selling author Washington Irving wrote The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, gent., a collection of essays and stories. The book includes “The Legend of Sleepy Hallow” about a headless horseman riding through an area which…



November is a time for being Thankful. The name Pocono is derived from a Delaware Indian word (pohoqualin), which means “stream between mountains” in reference to the Delaware River. Ironically, that which divides us also unites us. The Delaware River basin has…

The Great Shohola Train Wreck of the Civil War

The Great Shohola Train Wreck of the Civil War

By the summer of 1864, while union troops were advancing deeply into Georgia, northern prisons were overflowing with confederate prisoners   The Erie railroad was enlisted to help move prisoners from point lookout Maryland to Elmira, New York. On July 15…

Social (distanced) Creative Summer Fun

Social (distanced) Creative Summer Fun

Wow, what a year it has been so far! I am constantly amazed at the abundance of creativity as we adjust. So, although it is smart to continue safety, that doesn’t mean you can’t have FUN over the summer. We…

Simon Ward

Simon Ward

Car Enthusiast and International Artist The Community Tapestry NEPA Project attracted 30 artists – families, children, first-timers displaying their art, established artists showcasing their work or sharing inspirational messages. One artist is Simon Ward. Simon is an internationally known artist…

Lackawaxen Roebling Bridge

Lackawaxen Roebling Bridge

I had posted a photo of the Roebling Bridge on Instagram and someone then inquired about its history. I searched for a past article and realized I had only mentioned it several times but never wrote a specific article…